So here it is. The first official blog post for your very own Kevin Tom Wadsworth.
Also Known As...
<--- ME*†
So, I wasn't sure about what to post in this first blog, so I decided to try to find one of those facebook/myspace things where you tell like 10 or 20 or... in this case a buttload... of whatever things about yourself. Soooo here it be!
Ohh, an Alphabet one! Seems fun so... Here it is!
The anticipation is killing you isn't it? KIDDING.
A - AVAILABLE : Yes. Ladies, hit me up.
B - BIRTHDAY : 3 Years after my sister Kaitlyn! 12/27/90
C- CRUSHING ON : Shooot does anyone actually write this down for everyone to read? I certainly am crushin on someone at this moment though. Hit me up if you wanna know whats up.
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD : Apple Juice
E - EASIEST PERSON(s) TO TALK TO: Hmm... Not sure really... Probably the homie AJ Chricton.
F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT : At the moment??? Hmm... That is TOUGH. I LOVE MUSIC. So when I have to single out a song it seems impossible. But I am lovin Kid Cudi at the moment, So I will Say Solo Dolo (Nightmare) by him. Recently, I have been going around the house singing "Why must it, feel so wrong, when I try and do Rigggghhhhtttt!" as that line seems to be stuck in my head all the time.
G - GUY/GIRL: stupid question. I am a guy. I like girls. The end
H - HOMETOWN : North Las Vegas, Nevada baby! Born and raised. My mother always tells me to say I am a 5th generation Nevadan. I guess that is special. So be happy for me.
I - IN LOVE WITH : Food and sleep. And at times video games. Sounds slightly unhealthy, I know. Oh! Sports! I love sports. There, now I sound at least somewhat active.
J - JUGGLE: Nope. Balls or relationships.
K - KILLED SOMEONE(S) : Many someones. Check me out on Call of Duty MW2, Halo 3 and Halo Reach. gamertag: Kev daa Rev.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE : Whenever I drove from Vegas to New Mexico with my cousins. It may not have been the longest, but for some reason when I was in that car that drive DID NOT END.
M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR : Chocolate. Vanilla. Strawberry. Oreo. Whatever as long as it isn't fat free. And if it is, DO NOT TELL ME. It will make me not want it.
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS : 3. Jason, Kyle, and Kaitlyn. All older.
O - ONE WISH : I have talked this one over with my friend Ammon, and he has convinced me that you ALWAYS wish for another genie. But since this isn't a genie wishing three wishes, I will say... I wish to live a life without regrets.
P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST : Mahana Pulotu, a close friend who is leaving me soon to go kick it in Hawaii in January!
Q - QUIET PERSON: I'm not. I can be though. Depends on the setting and circumstances/
R - REASON TO SMILE : Bestie Lori Truman is in town right now!! So looking forward to chillin with her this week before she heads back to USU!
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD : Shiny Toy Guns- Rocketship. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I almost wanna go back up to that other question about what my current favorite song is and change it to this.
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: Like, 10:30. For class. Even though I said I would wake up earlier to do homework. Such is the life of a procrastinating college student.
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: What underwear? :P
V - VEGETABLE(S) : Ew. no.
W - WORST HABIT : I don't have a worst habit. I just have many bad ones.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD MOST RECENTLY: Never had one I'm pretty sure.
Y - YOYOS ARE : so early 90's.
Z - ZODIAC SIGN : Capricorn
Random Questions
Spell your name without vowels: Kvn Tm Wdswrth
Spell your name without vowels: Kvn Tm Wdswrth
Your favorite number : 3 I guess??
What color do you wear most : I wouldn't have the slightest clue. Blue I guess since I wear jeans a lot.
Least favorite color : Diarrhea green. EWWWWWW
What are you listening to : My mom ask me what I want to eat. Answer: "Not hungry right now"
Are you happy with your life right now : I would say my happiness meter is at about 50%, which is pretty dismal, but higher then it has been recently. Fortunately it is slowly rising. In fact, it JUST hit 51%! You heard it here first folks!
Whats your favorite class : None of them
Best friend(s) : In (slightly) random order... AJ Chricton, Sergio Vega, Ammon Garcia, Lori Truman, Katherine Hunsaker, Ryan Stimson (He is currently on an LDS mission and I never write him... What a great friend I am... Shoot that kid is gonna be PISSED when he gets back LOL), and my big sis Kaitlyn!!!
Are you outgoing? : I can be, but I keep to myself until I get to know people pretty well.
Favorite pair of shoes : umm... I don't have much to choose from but... All of them..? >_<
Can you dance : As my friend Ammon says, ANYONE can dance. Now... Dancing GOOD? That is a different story. I would LOVE to be able to dance well though. Guess I should put some time into it then...
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth : I am tongue tied... And that is my excuse for not being able to tie a cherry stem with my mouth...
Can you whistle : yes! And if you know me you know since it is something I do a lot.
Write with both hands : Nope, just left.
Cross your eyes : Yep. I can also suck my nose closed without pinching it, and blow bubbles with my mouth. Aren't I just SO TALENTED??
Walk with your toes curled : Never. Actually, only when wearing flip flops, because I don't like being obnoxiously loud walking through hall ways with them flippin and floppin for the whole world to hear.
Do you believe there is life on other planet: Don't care to think about it. Tell me when they come here and then I will tell you what I think.
Do you believe in miracles: All I thought of when I read this question was this. I haven't seen this movie since I was very little, but the score in this movie is one of the best and the music still sticks wit me. Great movie and this song is incredible. So yes, there can be Miracles. When you believe.
Also recommend this version.
Do you believe in magic : Not really.
Love at first sight : Somewhat...
Do you believe in Satan : Yes. But he doesn't believe in me, so I will leave him be.
Do you believe in Santa : Yes, if he believes in me. And he seems like a homie, so yes. I guess I do.
Be strong Santa! I BELIEVE IN YOU!
Do you know how to swim : Sort of. I was a lifeguard for a summer or two. Or three. No biggie. Just the best Summers of my life.
Do you like roller coasters: YES. As long as they don't give me neck/back pain...
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows : I could I guess. I'm not volunteering for nothing though that's for sure.
Have you ever been on a plane :Yeppers
Have you ever been to the ocean : Yes
Have you ever painted your nails: No
What is the temperature outside : Hot enough
What radio station do you listen to : Mostly 104.3
What was the last restaurant you ate at: These
What was the last thing you bought : questions
What was the last thing on TV you watched : are
Who was the last person you IM'd: getting
Who was the last person you took a picture of: really
Who was the last person you said I love you to: stupid. But it was my mother. LOVE YOU MOMMA!
Ever really cried your heart out: REALLY cried my heart out? I have cried really REALLY hard, but my heart has never been literally cried "out" so... No. Guess not.
Ever really cried your heart out: REALLY cried my heart out? I have cried really REALLY hard, but my heart has never been literally cried "out" so... No. Guess not.
Ever cried yourself to sleep : I've slept after I cried. Crying yourself to sleep seems kind of hard.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder : Yes. Usually siblings or family though.
Ever cried over the opposite sex: What else is there to cry about?
Do you cry when you get an injury : Try not to. Because I'm a MAN
Do certain songs make you cry : Yes.
Are you a happy person? : NO! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE.
What is your current hair color: It is always blonde. And why is this under the happy section? I think you are lost little buddy! But I'm too lazy to copy and paste you in your home. So get comfy.
What shirt are you wearing : what shirt?
Pants : What pants?
Shoes: my vans.
Necklaces : what necklace?
IN A BOY/GIRL Favorite eye color : Blue and brown are favorites. Green is nice too. Red isn't too nice though.
Smile: ...ugh... Ya I guess I prefer that they smile..?
Short or long hair : Long.
Height :Not taller then me
Height :Not taller then me
More questions about you
Been in jail : Nope. Lets hope it never comes to that.
Mooned someone : Nope. My bottom is very personal to me.
Laughed so hard, you cried : YES. :D
Cried in school : Ya, first day! Thought my momma was gonna leave me because I went to the wrong area when she was supposed to pick me up. I have also cried during volleyball practice... no more questions on the subject please... >_<
Thrown up in a store : Don't think so. Know my sister certainly has. Love ya sis. ;)
Wanted to be a model : Honestly, yes. I would love that. Getting paid to look good sounds amazing.
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Ever Seen a dead body : Umm... Don't think so...
Been on drugs : Only once after I got my wisdom teeth out. Pretty funny stuff.
Gone skinny dipping : Nope.
Pepsi or Coke : Neither. ROOT BEER BABY!!!
McDonalds or Burger King : Neither. IN N OUT BABY!!!
Single or Group Dates : Group. More the merrier!
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate.
Strawberries or Blueberries : Both!
Meat or Veggies : Meat. Leave the veggies to the Vegetarians and vegans.
TV or Movie : TV. As long as I got my DVR or tivo.
Guitar or Drums : Both are cool.
Adidas or Nike: Whatever looks better on my foot.
AND THAT IS THE END. Wow. That ended up being a lot of nonsense. Some of those were really pointless to answer. But I answered them. Well, most of them. Ended up being more then just the alphabet in the end too. Guess I should have looked through it all before I started haha.
But anyways... There you have it. The first of hopefully many blog posts.
*Don't mind the background... The computer is in my mothers book chamber so the background of my Photo booth pics are always incredibly distracting..
† Actually, I am also known as Kev, K-Tom, Bud, Tommy, Kevy Tom, K-Dubb, and Dead Sexy Juicy Lips. Okay that last one may be stretchin it buttt I have heard some things similar... :P
BTW I will not be offended if no one decides to read this massive post. I will limit them in size in the future. :)
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